Monday, October 12, 2009

First blog

Everyone is doing it , so I finally got my gear in and now look at me , I'm blogging.
the name ? I used to say "So much to do, so little time" and then very little got done. So now I say "Whatever". It comes from Barbra Johnson , one of may favorite authors. She was going through a very difficult time in her life and when it had reached more than she could handle she handed it over to God saying "Whatever Lord" (my version of her story). For me it just means my life is in God's control, He is in control of what is in it. And He needs me to go through whatever life throws in my life pot.

why blog? .. hopefully somebody would read it and enjoy it as much as I'm enjoying living it. And if not , years from now I can read it and say "wow" I forgot I had done that.
interests ? .. always growing. At the moment I'm into gardening on the outside and cross stitching on the inside. I really like the idea of eating from my own garden , and this is what the menu will look like in 2 months time, except for the orchid .. that is so pretty , I could just eat it up .. but not really.

since this picture was take I've added marrow and radish and borage.
I'll send more details on the cross stich when it actually looks like something.
other important things about me is that I love the Lord with all my heart, my soul and my mind. He comes first before anything else in my life.

next comes my husband , Peter .. I have been spoilt in my life having an amazing man like him .. I feel like God's youngest, most spoilt child. To have a good husband is truly something to boast about.

I have two children. Nicole is 5 and Daniel is 2 and thanks to them , every day is a surprise. Who needs a perfectly organized day .. thats boring.

till next blog

Whatever ! :)

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